Bücher Herunterladen , by Hubert Mingarelli
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, by Hubert Mingarelli

Bücher Herunterladen , by Hubert Mingarelli
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Format: Kindle Ausgabe
Dateigröße: 830 KB
Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 148 Seiten
ISBN-Quelle für Seitenzahl: 1620974843
Verlag: The New Press (15. April 2014)
Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.
Sprache: Englisch
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Three German soldiers, Emmerich, Bauer, and the unnamed narrator, are members of an Einsatzgruppe in Poland during the Second World War. As a respite from the daily task of shooting the people they have rounded up, they get permission to go out into the countryside the next day to search for more Jews in hiding. And they do find one: a very young man, who has a snowflake embroidered on his cap. On their way back to the camp, they break into an abandoned hut, get a fire going with some difficulty, and prepare themselves a makeshift meal. This is almost the entire subject of this brief but powerful novella.Because if you want to know what it is that tormented me, and thattorments me to this day, it's seeing that kind of thing on theclothes of the Jews we're going to kill: a piece of embroidery,coloured buttons, a ribbon in the hair. I was always pierced bythose thoughtful maternal displays of tenderness. Afterwards I forgotabout them, but in that moment they pierced me and I suffered forthe mothers who had, once, gone to so much effort. And then, becauseof the suffering they caused me, I hated them too. And the more Isuffered for them, the more I hated them. [tr. Sam Taylor]Not since David Albahari's GÖTZ AND MEYER have I read a novel that so effectively gets inside the minds of ordinary German soldiers charged with the extermination of Jews. The strength of Albahari's book lay in his ability to show the banality of ordinary men carrying out their routine tasks. Mingharelli, though, goes further, looking into the hearts of the three men. Their task may be routine, but it is by no means banal. All three suffer the ravages of conscience; the only issue is whether they give in to it. Emmerich worries constantly about his son, who is as yet too young to be called up; Bauer gets his own back by stealing food (it is he who provides the makings of the meal); the narrator dreams. As can be seen from the excerpt above, compassion can be a dangerous thing, serving only to exacerbate hatred.There is a catalyst in this little scene. While the men are breaking up furniture to feed the fire, a Polish hunter comes to the door, offering potato alcohol for a share in their meal. Once he sees the Jew, however, his affable demeanor changes to detestation. Looking at him, the three men see an animal, a rabid dog mocking their own humanity—but they also know they are looking at themselves in a mirror. There is very little overt discussion—most of the novel is devoted to the preparation and eating of the meal—the moral questions shadow everything. And Hubert Mingharelli, in this novella that is perfectly conceived for its length, knows that the answers are never easy.
Hubert Mingarelli’s short book A MEAL IN WINTER: A NOVEL OF WORLD WAR II—translated from the French by Sam Taylor—is one of those novels that you just hold in your hands after finishing it—and wonder how on earth the author has managed so completely to draw you into his world-- and a dark, sad world it is. Three German soldiers—Emmerich, Bauer and an unnamed narrator, set out one frigid winter morning to go out into the Polish countryside to find “one of them.†We figure out quickly who one of them is, a Jew. These three men have asked for this assignment to avoid having to participate in the shooting of the Jewish prisoners that have already been captured. It is the narrator’s hope that they are unsuccessful in their mission. The three soldiers find one young Jewish man whose name we never learn. They also run across a Pole as well. Much of the novel has to do with the soldiers trying to get enough wood to get a fire hot enough for a pot of soup— hence the title, A MEAL IN WINTER. And what a meal it is. Mr. Mingarelli is a genius in his ability to get inside the heads of the German soldiers. We learn about their fears, their hopes, their dreams, their moral dilemma of carrying out their orders. There is much to tug at your heart-strings here: when the narrator sees how young the Jew is, Emmerich’s love and concern of his own son, the two Jewish prisoners whose job is to do laundry, the significance of an embroidered snowflake on a hat, the German cook’s words: ‘I’m not doing that,†the glimpses into the future.The author puts it out there: the universal dilemma of killing the “enemy.†Isn’t the enemy someone who has a life, a family, a spouse, children, parents, who has dreams and fears just as you do? (As I read this devastating dark, dark novel, I keep thinking of the lines from Yeats’ An Irish Airmen Foresees his Death, “Those that I kill I do not hate.") Mr. Mingarelli’s language is concise, appropriate with no wasted words. The landscape he paints—the frigid cold, the snow drifts, the “aluminum†sky—bolsters the action in this compelling novel.This is a novel I would have completely missed had I not read a short, short review of it in the New York Times. I would have been the loser.
A meal in Winter is a beautiful novel covering a most horrible transient event in WWII. Three German soldiers and a Pole peasant are in control of a young Jewish prisoner. They in turn are suffering from a bitter cold winter. The author describes in great detail how sensitive these germans are; how capable of feeling cold and hungry and at the same time how the hate to be the ones participating in the killing squads and at the same time not minding to capture innocent Jews. And all of these is described while preparing a simple stew. Great read.
A Meal in Winter: A Novel of World War II is by Hubert Mingarelli. It is set in the winter in Poland. Three men, Emmerich, Bauer, and the narrator, are part of a unit of men who are shooting Jews. None of the three like what they are doing and go to their commander to ask to be sent on a hunting detail rather than staying with the shooting one. This would get them out of range of hearing the shootings and get them out into the Polish countryside to be refreshed. Will the change in detail work out for the men? They finally come across a Jew and take him into custody. They find an abandoned house to shelter in while they attempt to make a soup. While they are there, a Pole shows up and joins them in waiting for the soup. He has a violent reaction when he sees the Jew; but since they can’t communicate except by gestures, they don’t know why he has this reaction. The Pole wants to kill the Jew; but the three men must take him back to camp. As the men wait for their soup to cook, they have a chance to change their minds and let the Jew go. Who would know? Would it make them feel better? What a dilemma they find themselves in! The book is excellent and really makes you think. Thank you, Bob Smith, for recommending this book.
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